Tuesday, November 08, 2011

Our New "Edition"

Claire Moriah Kelley
November 1, 2011
10:21 pm
7 lbs, 11 oz
20.5 in

I've been hanging onto that pun for two years and nine months, ever since a person with poor discernment of homophones congratulated us on Kate. It was an appropriate typo for someone in the book business, though, and I've kept it filed away in my mind for just this occasion. :0)

Claire is one week old tonight. She had her follow-up doctor visit yesterday, and was declared extremely healthy. She eats and sleeps well. After those first couple days of barely waking up to eat, she became voracious and wanted to eat every 1-2 hours. Today, she settled into a little better schedule, sleeping for four hour stretches last night and eating every two hours during the day. She also discovered her lungs today, crying a fair bit this evening, mainly to express a desire to be held, I think.

In Claire's first week of life, she's spent quality time with her sister and grandparents, and had visits from several out-of-town relatives who just happened to be visiting or passing through this week. She's had her first trips to Target and the mall with Mommy, and taken her first long family walk around the neighborhood. The downer this week has been the disappearance of Charlotte, our cat, but I am trying not to let that dampen the joy of our new arrival. (My sweet in-laws hung and distributed fliers, and I've gotten numerous calls about stripey-gray-cat sightings, though we haven't caught up to her yet, and there are apparently a couple "decoys" running around too—one with a collar and one with white feet I saw myself—so not all the leads are reliably about Charlotte, but they give a little hope.) 

We are so in love with our little Claire-Bear, her sweet disposition and silly faces. We're training her early to be tolerant of her big sister's wild-child antics (not that we have much choice!), and sure enough, she's chill as can be when I'm sitting nursing her on the master bed while Kate is jumping up and down on the bed, then yanking me around to "fix" my hair for me. Aside from the concern of Kate crushing her with her overzealous hugs, it warms my heart to see Kate loving on her sister. I am so excited to watch their relationship grow over the years as each of them grow into the wonderful people they will become. 

Here are a few pictures from the week:


Mother Tracy Wells Miller said...

Jess, Thomasjohn and I were so sorry to hear about Charlotte! We're praying that she finds her way home. Did you put food out or anything that might attract her back home? Does she have claws to be able to defend herself?

Mother Tracy Wells Miller said...

Also, we really enjoyed watching the videos... and also found some older ones of Kate singing "Jesus loves me" while strumming an electric guitar... Thomasjohn LOVED it and said if he had a Facebook page, he'd post that on there. LOL.

Kristen P said...

cute pics! and this line: "a person with poor discernment of homophones" made me laugh ... you have such a nice way of putting that!
Congrats again!
So sorry to hear about your cat. Hope she just needed a little break and will find her way home soon!

Jessie Weaver said...

Congratulations, Jess! I love the homophone there, too. Ha!

She is precious. Two is hard to get used to, but it's also a lot of fun. Best wishes and e-mail me if you feel like you're losing your mind. I promise it's normal.



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