Friday, January 21, 2011

Looking for Your Dream Guy?

I pimped my friend Michael back in July, the last time Kelly Stamps did a big "show us your single friends" link-up. I really enjoy Kelly's blog, and since she married in her thirties and struggled with infertility, she has quite a heart for young women who long to have a family but just haven't met the right guy yet or have met him and just can't conceive! He daughter Harper is just a week or two older than Kate, and she's expecting another girl in March! Anyway, she's trying to use her blog's mega-popularity for good by having these linkups. Three couples found each other through her July linkup, and two got engaged over Christmas! (a little fast, but hey, my in laws met and married in that much time!)

My friend Michael had a couple dates with one girl he met when I wrote about him in July, but it didn't go anywhere. He's open to trying again, so if you live in the Atlanta area, heeeeeere's Michael!!

This is Michael. He became one of my best friends in college at Furman when we were the only two freshmen in an Advanced Composition class. When Matt and I got married in 2006, Michael was an attendant--on my side! (That's when this picture is from, so he's a little older now!) We called him a "bridesman," and Matt's best gal pal from high school was a "groomsmaid" on his side. Michael escorted my grandmother down the aisle and danced most of the evening with a friend of mine whose boyfriend couldn't make it... such a sweetheart!
Michael works as a consultant with Deloitte. At Furman, he double-majored in English and Urban Studies. He also has a Masters in Architecture History, and an MBA. He's been active with Mock Trial as both a student and coach. Very different from me in the politics and religion-department, Michael is a Baptist Republican. Eeek! (just kidding). He is quite a gentleman and would make a fine catch! I enjoyed many "just friends" dinner dates with him in college, and can vouch he makes an excellent dinner companion.

Michael is 29 and lives in his hometown of Atlanta. I would love to pair him up with a nice girl from that area. (Long distance is tough for everybody, so let's not go there.) If you are interested, leave a comment with your e-mail or some other way to get in touch with you!


Unknown said...

I can definitely say Michael is a great guy. He deserves a sweet, wonderful girl that lives in Atlanta!

Joy said...

Check out my friend Mary Ann #309...

CourtneyC said...

I have an awesome friend who I didn't blog about. A baby kept me from doing it. She lives off 400 and is also 29. She, is a huge Christian, loves kids, family, friends, and having a good time. Our children will call her Aunt. I cannot say enough good things about her. Sh

Email me if you want more information. I could email you pictures. My email is


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