Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Fun Times

So, how are your New Year's resolutions coming along? Mine is pretty good, given that I only vowed to not blog unless I felt like it. Part of that is accomplished by not doing Project Life for 2011, since while sometimes I enjoy doing that post, many times it feels like a burden rather than a joy, and I don't want that.

Nonetheless, we still have fun little things in our family to share... they just don't always come one per day! Last Saturday was a particularly fun day.

Kate enjoyed breakfast on her new "big girl seat," i.e. two cushions stacked to form a cheap booster seat, rather than using her long-time eat seat or investing in a fancy booster seat that she probably wouldn't want to sit on anyway. The more it seems like what Mommy and Daddy use, the better.

Then we went to take advantage of a Groupon I bought for six visits to the local bouncy place for 52% off! When we first walked in, I thought we had wasted our money and would end up leaving after ten minutes. The inflatables were enormous, mostly with big slides, rather than flat bouncy-castle type things, and Kate seemed overwhelmed. We started out in a small, flat bouncy place, and then I went on one slide with her (adults were allowed so long as they didn't jump and offset the weight balance of little kids). She loved that slide, but I figured there was no way she'd be able to climb the ladders to go on the slides without assistance.
Of course, she proved us wrong. She is an amazing climber. Her coordination and balance just astound us. She LOVED the slides and went on them over and over again. Sometimes, she'd turn or end up on her tummy by the time she got to the bottom, but nothing scared her. She had a blast! (and when she emerged at the top of a slide, she'd smile and wave, seeing us at the bottom!)
We slid and bounced, bounced and slid.
Eventually, she got tired, though.
We can't wait to go back!

After a good nap, Kate was ready to wreak havoc that evening. When I loaded the dishwasher and started it, she decided that her little plastic spoons (from the tea set she got for Christmas) needed washing too, and she tried to stick them into the tiny crevace between the top of the dishwasher and the bottom of the counter. (See Exhibit A, where I am pointing with the green swizzle stick.)

Three of the four fell to the floor as I shooed her away, but one made it in! The crevace was too small even for my index finger to fit in, so we had to fish it out with my pinkies and a pair of tweezers. Oh, Kate! Better than an M&M up her nose or something, but still...


Maegan Roper said...

She looks like she had a great time! I love how long her hair is getting :)

Kristen said...

Cute, cute, cute! She looks like such a big girl on her new "booster" seat!


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