Friday, December 24, 2010

Santa's Little Helpers

The other night, Matt and I assembled Kate's play kitchen that she's getting for Christmas. It took the two of us two hours to get it together, but it was really a good experience (as far as complex toy assemblies go) and kind of a parental rite of passage! (Matt at first thought we should do it Christmas night for the "full experience," but we're glad we got it done the other night and stashed it in the guest room until after bedtime tonight.)

 It came in about 37 pieces, with a hundred screws and things, but I have never seen such well-packaged supplies and instructions! Usually all those screws would just be in a bag all jumbled together!
 It was really pretty easy, overall, and we were so impressed with how solid and strurdy this thing is!
Last step: putting the cabinet latches on! (Last step, at least, before we realized that the very first thing we did was backwards--the bottom piece, that light-colored groove you see, should be toward the back. We were able to just take that off and put it back on correctly without too much trouble, though--thank goodness!)
 All done! We're so excited for Kate to see it!!


EMU said...

I love the kitchen y'all got Kate; it was one of the ones we looked at too. But we decided to buy a used one, mainly so we wouldn't have to put it together! Ha! I'm sure Kate will love it!

Rachel Moss said...

Oh, Kate will love that kitchen!

You will be glad to know that converting Bug's crib was about 1,000 times easier than putting that kitchen together. I had stashed the toddler rail and hardware pieces in her closet along with the written directions, but Jer said he didn't even need to look at them.


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