Thursday, December 02, 2010

My Happy Song

Holiday stress got you down?

Take a breather and play the following video. It's Perry Como's "It's a Good Day," and I consider it my personal "happy song," which I sing when I'm in a particularly good mood (or need to be). The video is just audio with images of Perry Como album covers, so you don't even need to watch, just listen--or better yet, get up and dance!

My Christmas gift to you...

And a blogger-PSA from a PhD student in Arkansas:
"If you are a woman who writes a blog with content predominantly about her family, and you have 10-15 minutes to spare, we would love to hear from you! We are doing research on bloggers, and invite you to take a survey at Your participation will help one graduate student get one step closer to completing her thesis, and one step closer to graduation! Thank you for your input and for your time!"

1 comment:

Brittney said...

Thank you so much for reposting my survey! I really appreciate it!


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