Wednesday, December 08, 2010

Quick Trick Block Stack

The other night, Kate needed something novel and unbreakable to play with, so I put our little "As Seen on TV" plastic container spinny-thing on the kitchen floor, and she set right to work putting a lid on each container and stacking them up.

(She was wearing just a diaper because she had been playing at the sink and I didn't want her outfit to get all wet. The quadruple-hairbow is all her. Well, not all her, but she told me which ones to put in.)

Ooooh... adding a daring eighth container to the stack.
Can she do it?

 Yes she can!
Not sure if this curvy tower can take one more though...

And Mommy misses the money shot,
but yes, the stack fell with the attempted addition of #9.

Katezilla observes the devastation.


 Hee hee. Being Kate the Destroyer is fun.

*thank you, endless readings of Fox in Socks for the obvious title to this post.


Jeanette Levellie said...

Adorable! Thanks for sharing a snippet of your life. They grow up so fast--I'm glad you're enjoying the moments.


Rachel Moss said...

Kate's stacking skills are impressive!


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