Thistle Farms is a non-profit business run by the women of Magdalene, a program that helps women with a criminal history of prostitution and substance abuse find recovery and community. They learn job skills and earn money making handmade, natural body products (lotions, bath salts, lip balm, etc.) for Thistle Farms. There was an amazing story about the program on The Rabbit blog recently.
The program's founder, Episcopal priest Becca Stevens, is simply amazing. She and several of the Magdalene women are actually visiting womens' prisons around the country right now, sharing their story of hope and emphasizing the message that "love heals." Stevens has written several books, including Find Your Way Home
So, the $40 ticket price for the concert at Eddie's Attic in Decatur, Ga., goes to benefit this great program that gets women off the streets and out of the cycle of prostitution, drug use, and prison, and into a fruitful new life. The concert features country singer Julie Roberts ("Break Down Here"), Grammy-winning songwriters Marcus Hummon ("Bless the Broken Road"--Matt and my wedding dance song!) and Don Schlitz ("The Gambler"), and a special guest appearance by Emily Saliers of the Indigo Girls.
If you're in the Atlanta area, check out the show, and if not, check out Thistle Farms products, available at stores all over Tennessee and nationwide. (Find a store here!)
many thanks for posting information about our women and community Jessica - we are honored. hope we get to meet you soon!
many thanks for posting information about our women and community Jessica - we are honored. hope we get to meet you soon!
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