Thursday, November 11, 2010

Pastors, their Wives, and Pie

Apple raspberry piephoto © 2008 Caitlin Regan (via: Wylio)It's tough being a pastor's wife. I don't talk about that a lot here because I have a hard time being nice or positive about it. But I would like to direct the ministry spouses among you to a couple blogs devoted to pastor's-family issues (and to which I contribute occasionally).

First, The Pastor's Wife Speaks. This blog is a spinoff of a Christian novel called The Pastor's Wife, which I recently read. (The pastor in question didn't seem very much like Matt, but I could definitely identify with the wife--especially in her desire for her own home!) The book's author has recruited a gaggle of pastors' wives to write on this blog, and she included me, though I gave her fair warning that my posts would likely be snarky and cynical!

My most recent post on there was titled "The Pie-Making Pastor," and as you might guess, involves Matt baking some pies for a church function--but you'll have to go read it to get the full story!

The other pastor's spouse blog I can recommend is SpouseConnect. I haven't written for it in a while, but I should!

Both of these blogs are a mix of inspiration, storytelling, and advice. Click over to read my pie story and more reflections from other pastors' spouses as well. Far from the stereotyped piano-playing, Sunday school-teaching lady in the flowered dress with the lace collar (that's the image Matt teases me with, at least) you'll meet a variety of vibrant women who have a lot to say if only someone would ask.

(P.S. The pic above is a stock photo from this cool new free-image service called Wylio. These are NOT the pies Matt made. Matt requires his food "unphotographed," as he has taken to saying since I've joined the mommy-blogger trend of photographing culinary accomplishments.)


Cindie said...

Try being a military wife and mother for 22 years. But I gather from your other blog, you don't know much about the military and I know nothing about being a pastor's wife.......we all have tough jobs, I guess.

Jessica Miller Kelley said...

I often say that being a pastor's family has elements of being a political family (being under the microscope) and a military family (being told where to go, etc.), but you're right, I don't know much about real life in the military. I definitely would not sign on for that "job"!


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