Friday, November 26, 2010

The Idol of Choice

Hope you all had a happy Thanksgiving!
BTW, This is not a post about abortion or socialism, though you might get that idea from the title and/or my first paragraph!

In January and February of 2001, I went on a college foreign study trip to Russia and Central Europe (mainly because I had always dreamt of going to Russia, not because I was a History or Political Science major, the course subjects for the trip). One of the major themes of the trip was “democratization,” mainly how difficult it is for a different political and economic system to really take hold in former Soviet bloc countries.

Old habits die hard, it seems. I saw evidence of that firsthand in a museum gift shop in St. Petersburg. They kept most of the big, full-color, coffee-table style books behind the counter, displayed face-out on some nice shelving. Using gestures and the few Russian phrases I’d memorized, I got the shop’s sole sales lady to take down a book so I could skim through the beautiful photographs of Russian architecture and landscapes, and their (English) captions. . . .

. . . for the rest of the story—why the sales lady got irritated with me and what that teaches me about pastor’s wifery—visit The Pastor’s Wife Speaks.

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