Having been on vacation last week (plus an extra day or two off for the Fourth of July holiday), I had just four days in the office before heading out of town again. So, July is almost halfway over and it has been an absolute whirlwind so far. Here's a snapshot (well, eight) of this past week:
Monday 7/5: Granna's big birthday party! (We won't mention her exact age, but it was an exciting one!) My father-in-law (Opa) threw her a lovely celebratory dinner at Mere Bulles. I was very excited about our gift to her--a silver necklace from The Vintage Pearl. We got her a heart-and-pearl charm stamped "Granna," and then an extra little charm with a "k" on it, for Kate. We plan to add more initial charms as Granna gets more grandchildren! (sorry for the shoddy photoediting to show the closeup. As I said... whirlwind... no time to breathe.)
Tuesday 7/6: Back to the old grind. Daddy was happy for a nice ordinary Daddy-Daughter Day after sharing Kate with the grandparents and me for ten days or so. Look at my sweeties holding hands! (I promise my hubby doesn't have a chili-bowl cut. He had just taken a shower, so it dried straight down.)
Wednesday 7/7: Kate had her first ever dentist appointment! I had heard we were supposed to do it at 12 months, but when I called for the appointment around that time, they couldn't get us in for five months! From the comments on this post that many other toddler-mommies weren't taking their kiddos yet, I feel better. Kate screamed bloody murder when the dentist was actually in her mouth, poking around to check for cavities or anything abnormal, but otherwise it went well. As to their advice to brush her teeth twice a day and start flossing around age 2, I thought "you obviously don't have a Kate Kelley at home." Kate likes her toothbrush, but does NOT let me do much to assist in the "brushing" and screams and clamps her mouth shut if I try. Oy. She did get a balloon and a smiley tooth bath squirtie out of the deal, though.
Thursday 7/8: I had to repair a kitchen chair cushion. Nana put together this little sewing kit for me when I went off to college, and it is still what I use when I have to sew a button back on or stitch up something (i.e. the only sewing I do). I think of her every time I use it, and it will be even more special now that she is gone. My mom made the felt needle-holder when she was a child--also special.
Friday 7/9: Oh, Kate Bear. What crazy post-pigtail bed-head! We're getting back to the nap/bedtime only paci rule, after falling off the wagon with our trips to Louisville and North Carolina in the last month. The dentist did insist that we break the paci habit by age two. She's already showing signs of overbite, but if we kick the habit by then, they should self-correct. I think we're doing okay for 17 months!
Saturday 7/10: I was up way too early for a Saturday in order to fly to Houston for my first trip with the Find Your Way Home prison tour. (if you're just visiting for Project Life, please jump to my home page to read my other posts this and last week about this awesome ministry.) After arriving, the group gathered to write encouraging notes in the books
we would take into the prison on Monday.
Sunday 7/11: The Sunday part of the tour includes worship with our host church for the visit. In Houston, we were at St. John's Downtown, a predominantly African American, United Methodist congregation that is the spiritual home to people ranging from the homeless people living just outside the church to Beyonce Knowles, who worships here when she is in her hometown. It was an amazing church and I LOVED worshipping there. My summary of the trip up through Sunday night is in this post.
Monday 7/12: I'm including eight days in this week's Project Life since Monday was the grand finale of the tour stop. Monday, our group of eleven (including an episcopal priest, four musicians, three amazing women who survived lives of prostitution, addiction, and incarceration, and two other organizational "helpers" like myself) went into a women's prison to speak to and play for the women there, just to say "hi, we love you, and there is hope for a better life." It was amazing, and while I'm not going to go into more detail here, I promise there will be at least one more post this week about our prison visit. This picture shows two of our musicians, Julie Roberts and Marcus Hummon, performing for the ladies.
Check out more Project Life at The Mom Creative!
I love the necklace with the charms! So sweet. The picture of your little one staring at her tooth is sweet and kind of makes me laugh like she's thinking "i went through all of that and this is all I got! So not worth it" :) She's a cutie!
Darn, and I was considering changing over to the chili-bowl 'do.
The necklace is awesome!!
Great pictures too.
Have a blessed week♥
I love this week's pictures!
My hygenist taught me a trick for brushing. It sounds a little like torture, but I only had to do it twice, and now she always asks for the "easy way".
Sit on the bathroom floor with your legs laying out in a v shape. Lay child down in between your legs. Lay an arm under each of your legs. This will hold their arms and head steady, but they can kick their legs all they want. They don't like being restrained, but cooperate with the teeth brushing, plus you can see everything in their mouth.
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