Happy Project Life Tuesday! Hope you've had a good week and that each day was special in its own way--that's what Project Life is all about. If you're here from The Mom Creative and her weekly Project Life link-up, welcome! Please come back for tomorrow's Working Mom Wednesday. And if you're a regular here at The Parsonage Family, thanks for reading! Here's the story of this past week:
Monday 7/19: My company is doing some creative-enrichment things this summer, so I joined a group on a little field trip to the art museum just a block or so from our office. The Frist Center for the Visual Arts has a wonderful exhibit this summer on "The Golden Age of Couture," featuring designers like Dior and Givenchy. I love historic costume, and the dresses on display made me want to return to my adolecent pastime of sketching antebellum ball gowns and such. I wished my mom had been there to tour it with me, and I dreamed of taking Kate to fun things like that. If you're in the middle Tennessee area, I highly recommend it.
Tuesday 7/20: Kate loves digging through my make-up drawer every morning while I'm getting ready. It's annoying in that I sometimes can't find the mascara when I need it because she's tossed it on the floor, but in general, she doesn't cause much damage or make much of a mess. This day, though, she managed to apply some lipstick. Glamorous, eh?
Wednesday 7/21: Up until recently, Kate has played with books like toys--picking them up, flipping through them quickly, and throwing them down. She would never sit still long enough to actually be read a story. I know she's young, but it kind of worried me, since I would hear about other kids loving to be read to and all. In the last week or two though, she has become a book fiend! She is constantly picking up books and sitting on our laps and wanting to be read to--over and over! Her current favorites are Barnyard Dance,
The Nose Book
, First 100 Words
, and Baby MacDonald on the Farm
Thursday 7/22: We love going to the park, and we would really rather live near a park than have a big swingset in our own backyard, but we decided Kate could use a little thing to play on in our backyard since otherwise, she tries to run toward the street! We got the Little Tikes Castle
slide thing. She had fun on it at Becca's birthday, and it's really the most affordable decent thing out there.
Friday 7/23: I had been looking forward to this all week--making the cake balls for the shower I was hosting Saturday. It was harder than I expected; the candy coating was very thick and gloppy. Almond bark might be easier. Nonetheless, after the first ten or so (which went into the reject tupperware) they turned out okay and the shower guests thought they were pretty cool.
Saturday 7/24: I hosted a baby shower for a girl at church. The rubber-duckies-in-punch idea came from a blog linked up on Kelly's Korner Show Us Your Life baby shower edition a while back. The shower went well, and mom-to-be Brittney got stocked up for the arrival of baby Ellachase!
Sunday 7/25: Kate was enamored with the balloons I blew up to tie to the mailbox for the shower. I let her play with them afterward, and she had a blast, shreiking and tossing them around! She had seen me blow them up, so she keeps putting her mouth on the tied end, mimicking the blowing up action.
What was big in your life last week?
Great shots, looks like a fun week.
That dessert you made sure looks yummy!!
Your daugther is precious. My granddaughter LOVES getting into my make up too.
Viewing your "Project Life" posts has just about convinced me that I need to give it a go next year.
For cake balls: I always coat mine with almond bark, then drizzle melted candy coating over the top in a contrastic color. It's still a lot of work, but I think it might be easier than working exclusively with candy coating.
Love the last picture of Kate trying to blow up the balloon!
Libbie was the same way with books; I was devastated she had zero interest in being read to! It was like a switch went off and now we can sit and read for an hour. Yay!
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