Friday, April 01, 2011

March Snapshots

Just a few pics from earlier in the month (well, last month, since it's now April).

On the 5th or so, we welcomed Daddy back from his trip to Israel. He's been blogging about the experience, so check it out if you're curious.

The 9th was Ash Wednesday, my favorite liturgical holiday. Daddy and Kate sat on the chancel steps after the service, and Kate was pointing to tell me to come sit RIGHT HERE.

Kate's gotten into a phase recently where she wants to read Mommy's High Heel Shoes (a great book about why mommy works) over and over, and she's been wearing my shoes around a lot as well.

On the 14th, we had a party at work to demo Ministry Matters for the rest of the company. We had orange M&Ms, orange cake, and orange balloons. I knew Kate would love it when I brought home "boons!" for her.
This shot is pretty typical of any day at our house. Man, there's a lot of Elmo. It's usually not all congregated in this one spot, but it's indicative of the overall trend. I generally try to avoid licensed character stuff, but when she's as obsessed as she is, it's tough to avoid. (For the record, though, the only one of these items I bought myself was the vacuum, and that was for seven bucks at a consignment sale.)
Kate has been doing great in her potty training. She's able to stay dry in her big girl panties for long stretches of time, and (at school at least) regularly goes on the potty. At home, I set the microwave timer for 10 minute intervals, and if she's dry when the timer goes off, she gets a heart.
One night, I wrapped a bunch of baby gifts--so excited to welcome the new little ones in our circle of family and friends!

And speaking of which, tomorrow is the baby shower for our sister-in-law Alexis. I can't wait to share pics of the cute theme my mother-in-law and I are using. And pics of the mom-to-be and all the baby loot as well, of course!

What are you up to this weekend?


Rachel Moss said...

I love the Elmo stuff shot! We've got a fair amount of the little red guy at our place, too.

Lisa H. said...

Tell Alexis and Andrew hello and congrats from us!


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