Sunday, April 24, 2011

Easter Dress

We had a pretty low-key Easter today, with no big family dinner like we usually have. After church, we took long naps and played around the house. It was stormy this morning, so Kate and I spent some time in our "safe place" in the hallway--not because we really had to (it was a bad thunderstorm but no tornado warnings or anything) but Kate had apparently taken note during a midnight tornado warning earlier this week, and when it started storming, she sat down and insisted I do the same!

Friday and Saturday (somber as they should be) were a lot more busy and fun, and I'll post pics from those days soon, but for now, let me share these pics of Kate in her Easter dress, which I wisely took Friday morning when it was nice out, since we definitely didn't get a good opportunity today! I wanted to get Kate a yellow Easter dress since yellow is her favorite color, it seems. So I found this on eBay (as I have her previous two Easter dresses) and she seemed to enjoy it.

grumpy face :0)


Rachel Moss said...

Cute dress! We're in the middle of a hail/wind/tornado storm right now.
Katelyn has also started taking much more notice of thunderstorms, too.

stevenjared0853 said...

You have shared good information on the Easter dress. Last month, I attended a weekend party which was arranged by my friend at an excellent LA venue. I really liked the arrangements and decorations at this party and had good time.


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