Friday, March 18, 2011

Irish Lad and Lassies

Have I mentioned that I love minor holidays? This St. Patty's Day, we didn't do anything to celebrate other than wear green, but I do love it when everyone is wearing green, and I feel compelled to take a family photo. Here's this year's gem:
Yes, we cut the top of Matt's head off, but I thought Kate's "cheese!" was terrific.

And here's the comparison of the last three years:
I wear the same sweater every year.

My dad says we should wear orange on St. Pat's because we're Protestants, but even if we're Kelleys (Protestant spelling) rather than Kellys (traditionally, the Catholic spelling), we're still good Irish lads and lassies!  

1 comment:

Rachel Moss said...

Your family photos is great...even without the top of Matt's head!


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