Saturday, February 05, 2011


Kate learned to say a new word this week... a result of Mommy and Daddy's sappiness at being all back under one roof after being scattered for the early part of the week.


"Yay! We're all home!" we declared as we put Kate to bed Wednesday night.

"I'm so glad you're home, Kate," I told her as I changed her first diaper of the day on Thursday.

She draws it out, and it's just heartwarming. It's been a strange week--very busy and schedules all out of the ordinary, but now it's Saturday and we're back to our usual routine. Saturday = chillaxin' and grocery shopping. Matt and Kate have both been a bit sick today, but Kate managed to go Krogering with me without making any messes, while Daddy--who was much worse off--recouperated at home.

We decided to make it extra special by grabbing lunch together. We went to Wendy's so that I could have a baked potato and chili (I'm not really that into fast food, but didn't want to spend the time, money, or energy doing a sit-down restaurant with Kate). Kate had a hamburger and mandarin oranges. She had her sippy of milk while I drank the kids' meal Sprite, but she wanted a taste because she likes drinking through a straw. Her face was priceless, like "what the heck is this stuff?!"

 At home, we're still enjoying the aftermath of Kate's birthday. All her cards are set up on her bookshelf...

And we're enjoying playing with new toys like her Little People Farm...

 And--would you believe it?--one of the helium balloons from the party is STILL floating. They pumped some substance into the balloons before inflating, and they have lasted longer than any latex balloons I have ever seen. They all lasted about four days, and then have been gradually descending since Wednesday, but now--more than a week after their inflation--one is still going strong.

It's been a miraculous week in that we haven't had any snow! Local kids literally had not had a full week of school since the beginning of December. Today, we were supposed to get some, but didn't. So, if we went out sledding, it would look similar to how Popi and Kate looked a week ago, when they went "grass-sledding" before Kate's party. (Popi had been hoping the snow would stay for their visit--it didn't, but he didn't let that spoil the fun!)

Ordinary days are the best!

1 comment:

Rachel Moss said...

Krogering is a great word! I love to turn nouns into verbs. My latest verbalized word is 'ninjaing' is a favorite pastime of my male students and no longer allowed in my classroom!


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