Monday, October 04, 2010

Wishing for Rain

Unless you're a farmer or gardener (or... umbrella salesman?) most people don't pray for rain. It has been sunny for the past ten days or so, and most people are probably pretty happy about that. I, however, have been desperately wishing for rain.

And why? For the most superficial of reasons...
Kate and I both just got cute new rain boots.

Tired of waiting for our first opportunity to use them "for real," I decided we'd try them on with our jammies the other night. Kate was very excited about it. She often has us change out her shoes several times in a day, and she was thrilled to have a new pair, especially some so different from her usual repertoire. She learned a new word and kept saying "boo! boo!"

 And look! Mommy's got some too!

She also has a cute new raincoat that I've forgotten to put on her on the two rainy days we had in September. She freaked out when I tried to try it on her with the boots, though. She just wanted to walk around in her new boots!
They were a little big, and different from other shoes, so she was a little wobbly.
But, man, are they cool!
She loved taking them off and putting them back on.

Can't wait for our first October rain!!

Now when will that be???

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