Ashley was sweet enough to send me a couple of the shots she got of Kate, so of course I wanted to share them with you!
Eating watermelon...
(I love that she was more into the fruit than the pizza or cake!)
Of course, she got into the cake before long.
We had a lot of fun swimming too...
(and Kate's hot pink suit made everything else pale in comparison :0)
I was proud of myself that my first attempt to buy a gift for an older, "7-going-on-17" child was successful. Though it doesn't show in this picture, I heard comments of "sweet" and "cool" from the birthday girl's friends. Score!
And just to show off Ashley's mad skillz (sorry, still in the "cool-kid" mindset), check out this cool pic of the birthday girl taking the plunge down the slip-n-slide!

And, since I like closing blog posts with a question--how about weighing in on something Matt and I were discussing the other night. Matt and his brother had a birthday party with friends every year. My birthday, being on a holiday (July 4) was always celebrated with a family gathering--often a cookout. Only every couple years did I have a "friend" party before or after the big day.
Did you have a "friend" birthday party every year?
Love the pictures!
Most years were friend parties, but low-key, at the house kind of deals, though I do remember a birthday party at McDonald's sometime around kindergarten. Ah, the '80's... Around 1990, I stepped up to slumber parties, which eventually involved sneaking out and rolling our frenemies/love interests (also called "t.p.-ing" in some regions, I've learned).
Kate's pink suit is super cute!
I had a friend party every year. I remember Chuck E. Cheese, roller skating, and McDonald's parties. We also did backyard kiddie pool parties and one luau party. From about 4th grade through 6th grade I always wanted a slumber party. My mom has since told me that she absolutely dreaded slumber parties, so I didn't get to have one every year.
I had somewhat of a "friend" party every year. My sister was born the day after me, 6 years later, so I think my parents felt guilty and had to do it :) Some were a sleepover, some were just cake and ice cream. Just depended on the year I guess!
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