When my mother-in-law, sister-in-law, and I went to Chicago in April, we just had to go in the American Girl Store, and I was reminded again how wonderful the American Girl concept is. Expensive and highly commercialized, yes, but really awesome too. I loved history even as a child, and really learned a lot from the American Girl books. They each had (and I hope, still have) a historical appendix with real photos from the era and deeper explanations of the events and issues touched on in the book. Through the fictional characters and their stories, children learn about real, important issues in American history. From Kirsten's stories, the difficulty of immigrant assimilation and harsh life on the frontier. From Felicity (pictured below), how Patriot and Loyalist neighbors turned against one another in the Revolutionary War. From Samantha, girls learn about child labor and women's suffrage.
During our visit to the American Girl store, I discovered the newest doll and was absolutely enamored. Rebecca Rubin is a Russian-Jewish immigrant living in New York in 1914. If there are four things I love, they are Russia, Judaica, New York, and the Edwardian Era. Isn't she gorgeous?! (I need to make sure Kate has seen Titanic enough by the time she is eight years old that Rebecca will be the doll she wants! j/k... sort of.)
My sister-in-law was a little creeped out by the "clones"--the display of basic "Just Like You" dolls to choose from, according to your eye, hair, and skin tone.
Clones aside, I was just reminded during our visit how awesome and empowering American Girls are. Yes, it's fun to dress up the dolls and go nuts over the adorable accessories, but there's something valuable underneath. "This is so much better for girls than the whole princess thing!" I gushed as I blubbered over Kit's typewriter and Felicity's horse and riding habit. As I mentioned in my posts about marriage last week, I'm not into the "princess" thing for little girls (promotes this "happily ever after" notion of romance, and general superficiality) but neither do I consider myself much of a feminist (Matt calls me a "post-feminist," meaning I take my equality with men as a given). I really feel that--aside from the consumerism, which I should probably not dismiss so quickly--American Girl promotes great values for young girls, and especially with the turn that its publishing line has taken in the last couple years really encourages smart, healthy behavior in girls. Their "Smart Girl's Guide
" series is really impressive. They have books on how to handle middle school, boys, parents' divorce, money, manners, body care, etc.
I ordered a book today called The Lolita Effect: The Media Sexualization of Young Girls and What We Can Do About It
. I definitely worry about this sort of thing, seeing the way trends for little girls are going. I remember reading a blog post a couple years ago from a mom complaining she couldn't find normal underwear for her six-year-old because everything was low-riding, bikini-cut, or had suggestive words written on them. And this isn't even the tween stuff! I'm not the sort to flip out about the "degradation of society" or whatnot, but seriously--have you seen Miley Cyrus' new video?
Kate may or may not like to play with dolls. Whatever. But you can bet I'll be getting those historical fiction and Smart Girl's books for her, and praying she'll have the good sense to follow her own dreams and stand up for what she believes is right.
*Ok, now for my aside about Kit Kittredge. The Kit movie will forever be wrapped up for me in the "thinking Kate was a boy" story. I took the Intelligender
Love it - amen - and I was a Kirsten girl, still have her in Becca's closet!
Loved the American Girls! The "lookalike" ones don't appeal to me as much as the cool historic ones, which I am definitely saving for my kids.
Also.....I miiiiight know someone whose mom loved the idea of Rebecca Rubin so much (not to mention someone who has a daughter named, say, Rebecca Ruby) that she miiiight have purchased the doll for her future, unborn, granddaughter. Maybe. So really, you can decide Kate already loves Rebecca and get it for her now- for "later!"
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