Monday 5/10: Matt and I have the bad habit of burying our faces in our laptops in the evenings. This night, though, we turned off all the electronics (even the lights!) and had a great, deep conversation by candlelight. We need to be more intentional about this!
Tuesday 5/11: We're trying to transition Kate away from the paci by making it a naptime/bedtime only thing. So, paci is now clipped to Raffi rather than to her. We did the same thing for school, clipping a paci to Raffi II, but it turns out she isn't using it during naptime at school at all anymore! I wasn't going to get worked up over breaking the paci habit till she was 2, but it seems it might go easily now, and sooner might be easier than later!
Wednesday 5/12: We met Matt's parents at a restaurant for a belated Mother's Day celebration. Granna really liked the special card Kate made for her! (PS: if you live along the Clarksville-Nashville corridor of I-24 , Richard's Cafe is the greatest little cajun place you never knew existed, in White's Creek, about a mile off the Old Hickory exit. The food is nothing to write home about, but they have live music every night of the week, and it's just a fun place. Their tagline: "Live Music, Dead Crawfish.")
Thursday 5/13: I pulled into the driveway after work to see this--a car seat without its cover, Matt's rear car windows rolled down, and the washing machine running. That can only mean one thing. Well, it could mean two, actually, but this time it was vomit. Poor Kate has inherited her mother's propensity toward carsickness.
Friday 5/14: I'm so, so, SO sad about this. We finally broke into the last bag of frozen breast milk. (Each grocery bag contained ten milk storage bags of about 8 oz. each.) If you aren't a regular or long-time reader of this blog, let me fill you in on my obsession with my "liquid gold." After Kate didn't take to the breast, I became an exclusive pumper, and pumped for her entire first year. I was emotional when I quit pumping on her first birthday in January, but I'm emotional again seeing the stash run out.
Saturday 5/15: I did some speed-scrapbooking while Kate was napping. This pic shows Matt and Kate doing the sign for "please," so I built a page around it about the baby sign language Kate has learned.
Sunday 5/16: Kate in her Sunday best. My blog-friend Rachel does a weekly "Sunday Best" post of her Katie-Bug all dressed up. It's a good idea, since we mommies are sometimes addicted to buying adorable but impractical dresses like this polka-dot pillowcase dress and the girls only wear them on Sundays! (I also love that this pic caught Kate mid-stride, running toward me and screaming, as she often does when she runs.)

That's so wonderful that you were able to pump for an entire year! Bravo!! I tried so hard to do that with both my boys, but I "dried up" too quickly! They both got a few months of breastmilk and are happy and healthy, so I'm ok with it.
I love the photo of your candlelight date. I can totally relate to the laptop thing. As soon as Isaiah is in bed, I grab my laptop and my hubby takes out his iPod Touch. We really need to work on that!
Great photos!
Way to go pumping for so long. Love the scrap page with her saying please.
Great photos this week. Love the candlelight date also, have to tell my hubby about that one. Good for you pumping for a year, so good for the babies. I love how you scrapbooked her signing what a clever title for the page too. Have a good week.
Way to go on the pumping!! I was also an exclusive pumper for 6 months, which fed my son until he was almost 9 months old. As soon as I weaned myself - eventhough it was such a pain to pump in the moment - I wished I had done it for longer.
And I also love the idea of a "Sunday Best" photo.
The naked carseat cracked me up. Jer and I were both car sickies, too. Thankfully, it appears that Katelyn didn't get that gene.
While I was at the grocery store yesterday, I calculated that we spend about $40 a month on organic whole milk for Katelyn. It sure did make me wish I had created more of a stock pile before I weaned her!
The picture of Kate and Matt signing 'please' is adorable.
Kate's pillowcase dress is adorable! I think my mom just ordered one of those for Katelyn.
I am so jealous of your scrapbooks. I wish I could keep up with organizing my photos, much less putting them together in pretty books. :)
I love the idea of the intentional unplugged date night. I think that must be great for any marriage. I wish I could get my husband to disconnect sometime.
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