Thursday, December 24, 2009

Merry Christmas

I don't have anything profound to say today. Last year, I wrote some about the whole "Merry Christmas" v. "Happy Holidays" thing, and the year before that, about the "Real Meaning of Christmas" (hint: in my opinion, it's not "family," "kindness," or even "love").

This year, I am just so filled with joy and excitement to celebrate this festive occasion as a family with our sweet baby girl. (Still not saying family is the meaning of Christmas, but having a little family of our own sure makes this holy-day even more special!)

We're headed down to Matt's parents' house soon, where we'll visit and open presents with Granna and Opa, Uncle Andrew and Aunt Alexis, and great-grandma Mema. Then my parents, Matt's aunt and uncle, cousins, and their kids will all join us for dinner. Our Christmas Eve service is at 7:00, so some of us will leave soon after dinner to get back up here for that. My parents will be staying with us for a couple days, so we'll enjoy presents, a nice breakfast, and dinner with just them tomorrow.

My heart feels full, my soul at peace, and I wish all of you a very, very merry Christmas. I hope you are able to spend it with those you love, and spend some time in prayer and praise to the God whose son's birth we celebrate today.

1 comment:

Amy said...

Have a Very Merry and Blessed Christmas Jessica!


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