82) Monday 12/14: Kate likes to hold her bottle herself most of the time, so her breakfast bottle is the only one I get to actually cradle her and feed to her like when she was younger. I cherish that time each morning, snuggling against her soft head as she drinks her mommy-milk.
83) Tuesday 12/15: Matt "won" Predators tickets in the silent auction at our church Advent Festival, so we enjoyed a great game of hockey in which the Preds beat...those other guys... 7 to 4. My favorite part was when they showed a baby in the audience on the jumbotron, and then it's nose started running into its mouth, and the crowd of 15,000 fans went from collectively saying "awww" to "ewww."
84) Wednesday 12/16: Kate loves going to school. A couple times this week, she has picked up her backpack and carried it around the house. It's adorable. She's such a quick little devil, this is the least-blurry picture I could get. Starting in January, she will be at a new school, and in their toddler room already (eek!) even though she'll only be 11 months. Big girl!
85) Thursday 12/17: Daddy-Daughter Day! Daddy sometimes underdresses Kate for the weather--like in this tie-dyed onesie Opa got her at his Mecca--the Ben & Jerry's factory in Vermont. So cute, and they didn't go outside, so it's cool.
86) Friday 12/18: Matt and I spent the afternoon serving at the 61st Ave. UMC Last Minute Toy Store, where poor families who haven't received aid from any other agency this Christmas can get a few gifts for their children. We were "restockers" in the 5-10 year old boys and girls' sections, and I think I was born for that job. Organizing and straightening all day long?? Awesome!
87) Saturday 12/19: Finishing up the last little bit of gift-wrapping. Kate enjoyed pulling the paper shreds out of the bag, strand by strand. It was great fun! Fortunately, Daddy picked them all up! (I also went to a Nashville women-bloggers gathering this morning, but forgot my camera! Oh well!)
88) Sunday 12/20: Kate enjoys flipping through the scrapbooks on the coffee table. She literally flipped the pages from front to back, and then back to front, at least five times (in each direction). I don't know if she's a born scrapbooker, or just likes looking back at pictures of herself, but this activity bordered on compulsion!

Speaking of scrapbooking, Jessica Turner has posted two installments of her "Daily December" album, which partially inspired this 100 Days of Holidays adventure. I discovered this morning that her life is way more interesting than mine (or at least more social-event-filled) which may explain why my pics rarely include anyone other than me, Matt, and Kate. We're homebodies!

Speaking of scrapbooking, Jessica Turner has posted two installments of her "Daily December" album, which partially inspired this 100 Days of Holidays adventure. I discovered this morning that her life is way more interesting than mine (or at least more social-event-filled) which may explain why my pics rarely include anyone other than me, Matt, and Kate. We're homebodies!
This next week, however, we will have several fun family gatherings as we celebrate Christ's birth. We are so excited for "baby's first Christmas," and wish you all a very merry Christmas as well!
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