75) Monday 12/7: I picked this wreath up on our office "freebie table" (stuff people want to get rid of), and I think it's found its soul-mate with this shabby-chic clock I got from a man whose house we were working on on a mission trip in rural Tennessee a few years ago. (He made a practice of throwing his garbage into his yard, and when he was about to toss this, I asked if I could have it!)
77) Wednesday 12/9: Our other nativity set, I got for 75% off the day after Christmas at Cokesbury a few years ago. It's metal, and rattles if you walk too heavily near it. I like it.
78) Thursday 12/10: After spending a couple days wondering how to fill a certain gap on the mantle, I separated one of the three kings from his buddies. He may be lonely now, but I think he looks good.
79) Friday 12/11: We had a big time with Granna and Opa, going to see Santa and getting our Christmas tree. I am still trying to convince Matt of the practical and fiscal benefits to getting a fake tree, but our agreement when we married was that we would do a real tree (like he always had growing up) with white lights (like I always had growing up).
80) Saturday 12/12: It's cookie time!! If I make only one cookie at Christmas, it has to be the cutout cookies, since they are the most festive. (I have a few other simple things planned, though.) As you can see in this pic, I had a brain fart and made my candy canes red with white stripes instead of the other way around. Oops.
81) Sunday, 12/13: As usual, Kate was all over the place during church, eventually starting to melt down, needing a nap (it's unfortunate that church falls during morning naptime). So, I took off right after the sermon, came home, put Kate down, and had a nice little devotion time with our advent wreath.
It was a very festive weekend, deserving of its own post, which will come tomorrow, I hope. Hope all of your holiday seasons are going splendidly so far--peaceful, joyful, and fun-filled.
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