Sunday, December 13, 2009

1DoH: Decking the Halls

Christmas preparations are in full swing in the Kelley household as I finished arranging all our decorations and did many other Christmassy things this week! We're down to the last 25 of the 100 Days of Holidays, which means 2010 is only weeks away! I can't believe how quickly 2009 has passed.

75) Monday 12/7: I picked this wreath up on our office "freebie table" (stuff people want to get rid of), and I think it's found its soul-mate with this shabby-chic clock I got from a man whose house we were working on on a mission trip in rural Tennessee a few years ago. (He made a practice of throwing his garbage into his yard, and when he was about to toss this, I asked if I could have it!)76) Tuesday 12/8: We got this Fontanini nativity set for our wedding. By the way, this week marks the point at which Matt and I have been married as long as we were not! (that is, we knew each other approximately three years and seven weeks when we got married, and now we have been married three years and seven weeks. can't remember when or why I calculated that, but yes, I am a dork.) I love you, Sweetie!

77) Wednesday 12/9: Our other nativity set, I got for 75% off the day after Christmas at Cokesbury a few years ago. It's metal, and rattles if you walk too heavily near it. I like it.

78) Thursday 12/10: After spending a couple days wondering how to fill a certain gap on the mantle, I separated one of the three kings from his buddies. He may be lonely now, but I think he looks good.
79) Friday 12/11: We had a big time with Granna and Opa, going to see Santa and getting our Christmas tree. I am still trying to convince Matt of the practical and fiscal benefits to getting a fake tree, but our agreement when we married was that we would do a real tree (like he always had growing up) with white lights (like I always had growing up).
80) Saturday 12/12: It's cookie time!! If I make only one cookie at Christmas, it has to be the cutout cookies, since they are the most festive. (I have a few other simple things planned, though.) As you can see in this pic, I had a brain fart and made my candy canes red with white stripes instead of the other way around. Oops.
81) Sunday, 12/13: As usual, Kate was all over the place during church, eventually starting to melt down, needing a nap (it's unfortunate that church falls during morning naptime). So, I took off right after the sermon, came home, put Kate down, and had a nice little devotion time with our advent wreath.
It was a very festive weekend, deserving of its own post, which will come tomorrow, I hope. Hope all of your holiday seasons are going splendidly so far--peaceful, joyful, and fun-filled.

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