Friday, July 24, 2009

Bouncy, Bouncy

Thursday and Friday are supposed to be Daddy-Daughter-Days, since Kate is only in day care three days a week, but what with the church fire, Matt has had too many un-child-friendly meetings and things to attend to this past week. So, my in-laws are keeping Kate again for part of today, and Granna was nice enough to send me these pics of Kate enjoying her Baby Einstein stationary jumper (the safe alternative to walkers, nowadays) at their house. I thought I'd share since I've been delinquent about getting new pics of Kate up lately. Matt has had custody of the camera lately, and so all the photos have ended up on his Mac and he hasn't uploaded them to Kodakgallery yet, so I'm picture-less!!

Kate will be 6 months old on Tuesday, and I'll do a big "here's what she's doing now" update then. Can't believe she's half a year old already!

1 comment:

Leisa Hammett said...

Jessica, what a cute blog title. I really enjoyed talking to you last night and I would really love to keep in touch.


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