Monday, June 02, 2014

Scars Fade

It was a year ago (Saturday, but I didn't get around to blogging) that Claire busted her forehead open on the edge of a church pew. I was so worried about how such a front-and-center scar would bother her in years to come, whether she would want to hide it under bangs or whatnot.

A year later, I can say I highly doubt that will be a concern. We kept it well-sunscreened last summer and moisturized throughout the first six months (I used vitamin-E lotion and Mederma, but read that it's really more the moisturization that helps rather than any specific concoction). And it's already barely noticeable. By the time she's old enough to be self-conscious about such things, it will be hard to spot at all (and for those that do, it will make a great story; the PK whose church-related scars are more than just emotional ;0)

The stitches didn't dissolve like they should have, so they were in a few days longer than necessary, and then I worried that would add to the severity of the scar (2 months after, above). But, by the time I was taking some pictures in advance of Claire's second birthday, I noticed that it depended on the angle whether you saw the thing at all. I used some of these pics on her party invitation, and it probably looked like I photoshopped out the scar in a couple of them, but I didn't touch up any of them—it just looks different at different angles!

So now, one year out, it's not that noticeable at all, and what is is just Claire! She's beautiful, and I believe scars are just part of who we are (don't let my concern over how she would feel about it as a teenager belie that point!) I have a scar in my hairline that no one ever notices (from busting my head open at age 2) but I wouldn't mind if they did, and my stomach is a proud array of markings, from stretch marks to the scar left by my belly button ring, which I left in way too long into my pregnancy with Kate!

Claire is an awesome two-and-a-half year old, and from her serious, observational side to her silly, crazy side, I know she'll have some stories to tell . . . most of which will have nothing to do with a church pew.


Tracy Larson said...

Oh my goodness, God works in amazing ways. My son got a bad wound on his cheek and nose 3 months ago (at 19 months) and I have really been stressing about it's healing. I randomly clicked over to your blog from Annie's (which I randomly clicked over from her friend Merritt's, who is the only person in this string I actually know!). Thank you for this reassurance, it was just what I needed!

Unknown said...

Me 2 1/2 year old got stitches on her forhead amd I'm stressing out so bad...

Unknown said...

Me 2 1/2 year old got stitches on her forhead amd I'm stressing out so bad...

Unknown said...

Me 2 1/2 year old got stitches on her forhead amd I'm stressing out so bad...

Summer said...

My four and a half year old got stitches in her forehead four weeks ago. The guilt of not stopping it all from happening has eaten away at me because I do not want my daughter to have a scar, but this is helping me to heal. Thank you.

Unknown said...

Thanks for this! Do you have updated pictures of her forehead now? My 3.5 year old has the same injury��


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