Monday, May 06, 2013

Show and Tell: MY Party

It's no secret I love planning parties. So the whole "have your kid's party here it's so easy" thing does not appeal to me. When Kate says "I want my party at Chuck E Cheese," I think "Noooo! I want to plan a cute, crafty party at home with a fun theme!"

Months before her fourth birthday, Kate was clear that she really wanted to have her party at Monkey Joe's, a kids' activity venue with lots of inflatables, or as we call it in our house, a "bouncy place." I honestly can only think of one third, fourth, or fifth birthday party we've been to recently that hasn't been at a bouncy place. It's just THE thing for the preschool set, apparently. So even though I would have loved to throw her a "Winter Wonderland" party or something else lovely, Matt reminded me (and I reluctantly agreed) that it was HER party and (within reason, of course) it should be what she wants.

So I designed invitations and ordered a cake and bought favors that worked with Monkey Joe's' colors and reflected Kate's activities and style (I just had to!) and Kate really enjoyed her party. For the record, it was kind of nice to go the "easy" route and have someone else run the show for you. (Though with the price, I'll definitely limit "outside-the-home" parties to once every few years!) 

I'm not sure if Matt actually got all parental on me and said, "When it's YOUR birthday, you can have the kind of party YOU want," but that thought came to mind somehow, and I decided I would have a party for my birthday, with the theme and food and decor that I want. 

So, my 32nd birthday is less than two months away now, and I've been brainstorming a little outdoor, evening soiree (can you still call it a soiree if kids are invited?). I'm picturing hors d'ouevres and wine in the backyard, with lights strung around the patio umbrella and kids playing on the swingset while the grownups chat till the lightening bugs come out. I've got a Pinterest board going, aptly entitled "MY Party." 

If we're friends IRL and you live in the Nashville area, I hope you'll be there! 

In other news, I'm now having a little moment over writing the words "my 32nd birthday" above. I'm okay with getting older, but I still have these moments when I think "when did I become a grown up?" 

The moment I started planning "soirees" instead of parties, I guess. 

1 comment:

Also-Getting-Older Lisa H. said...

Your parties are amazing...and inspiring! We made your veggie tree for a party we had here, in fact. I really think you were a party planner in a past life! :) Brilliance! I can't wait for photos from the "MY party" because I'm sure you'll come up with some amazing things. I so wish we were in town to attend parties together! As for the getting older...oy, don't I know that! I have fights with myself (in my mind) about not getting wrapped up in it. We're so young and yet time seems to fly by and the numbers are creeping upwards. I always said I wasn't going to care about getting older and now that I'm getting older (well, technically I was ALWAYS getting older) I find that I care!


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