Monday, May 30, 2011

New House through Kate's Eyes

We've been in our new house a little more than a week, and with all the unpacking (plus working all week, of course) I haven't taken many pics of the new place yet--but Kate sure has! She recently learned how to turn on the camera function on our smartphones, and goes around snapping pictures of us, the house, her feet, the floor, and sometimes her finger in front of the lens.

So here's the last few days in our new house, through Kate's (sometimes blurry) lens.

Here's part of our kitchen, over the top of Mommy's bowl of yogurt.
Nala and Popi came to visit for the weekend to see our new place and help us get set up. Here, Popi and Daddy eat breakfast at the kitchen table, which overlooks the backyard and the living room (over the little half-wall behind Popi).
Nala pours some coffee by the sink. Those bar stools sit at the island--one of the things I really wanted in a house. I have fond memories of doing my homework at the island and talking to Mom while she made dinner. I hope Kate and I will do the same in years to come!
 And here's Mommy, wearing Daddy's Butler sweatshirt she loves...
 ... and doing a little work on Ministry Matters (if you or someone you love is a church leader, check it out!)
The house backs right up to the neighborhood pool and playground, which is awesome (except when Kate is screaming to go outside or to the "wimming pool" when we can't). We'll miss the wild turkeys that came through our yard in Clarksville, but this neighborhood seems to be teeming with bunnies, so they are fun to see too!
And this shot is really blurry, but gives a little glimpse of our living room. It took Matt four hours to put that TV hutch together! We're still waiting for our new couch and coffee table to arrive, so right now, we either lay on the rug or squeeze into the armchair.
 We still have some unpacking to do, but we're on our way, and I hope you enjoyed this little glimpse!
I'm four months along today, so I'm sure I'll post again soon. Hope you all have a happy Memorial Day weekend!


Kim said...

Love the pics... and they're even more precious since Kate took them! And I'm loving your white kitchen cabinets... that's a dream of mine to have one day! Looks like a great home for your growing family!

Rachel Moss said...

Your new home looks great! I love the Kate's-eye-pics.

And yes, every thing is okay in our world. I decided to give up blogging until the school year was finished...which means I'll be back to writing Katie Bug commentary this week!


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