Friday, December 13, 2013

Decking the Halls

I'm linking up today with Kelly Stamps' Holiday Home Tour, and looking back at my post for that link-up two years ago, I see what a creature of habit I am. So many things are in exactly the same place! I've changed a few things, and some things I changed last year, but now they're just like the before that!

In any case, welcome to our lovely abode, all decked out for the holidays.

Lots of nativities around the hearth--advent calendars, play nativity, and the shiny metal one on the mantle.
There are still a few gifts to arrive, but I've wrapped what we have. I love to wrap gifts!
I did the dining room table differently this year, with a tray I found at a thrift store, filled with candles, ornaments, angels, and greenery, and ornaments hanging from beads on the light fixture.

A simpler Advent wreath on the kitchen table this year (since I hung the actual wreath above the mantle!)
My favorite holly jollies: the kiddos, decorating our gingerbread house!
Welcome to any visitors, and Merry Christmas!

1 comment:

EMU said...

I love the greenery around the banister! I've always wanted to/meant to that, but somehow it never gets done. One day... :)


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