Thursday, December 12, 2013

Catch-Up: Advent Begins!

Playing blog-catch-up once again, let me tell you a little about our early December activities. I'm a stickler for holding off until after Thanksgiving to listen to Christmas music or decorate, but by that weekend, I jump in with both feet. Though we value Advent as a liturgical season, and as such, should maybe keep things more austere until the actual Christmas season (Dec. 25-Jan. 5) I consider getting ready for Christmas in the popular sense to be part of Advent expectation. We're getting ready for and getting excited about Jesus' birthday party, as I tell the girls.

So, since Dec. 1, we've . . .

gotten our tree (Kate had fun running between all the trees on the lot)
decorated the tree and the rest of the house
Matt and Kate baked a Derby pie with some pecans a church member gifted him

I made a list of fun stuff I want to do between now and Jan. 5
(I definitely don't want the fun to end on Dec. 25!)

We let the girls stay up to watch the "Sound of Music LIVE" on TV.
Kate has watched it several times OnDemand since then!
We celebrated St. Nicholas Day on Dec. 6 with pancakes in the shape of Santa hats and stockings, and talked about the real St. Nick.

St. Nick brought Christmas pjs for the girls and a Phantom of the Opera ornament for Kate, who is obsessed with the show right now. It plays "Think of Me," which she loves to sing.

St. Nick also brought light-up necklaces!

We went to Breakfast with Santa with Granna and Opa and saw St. Nick
and got fun balloon creations!

Pretty BGC with her Christmas dress on
We decorated our gingerbread house the other night

The church choir has been getting ready for our cantata
(this pic was taken during worship last Sunday)

I kept the nursery, and led Kate and the two kindergarteners in a Merry Christmas acrostic, coming up with words starting with each letter that have to do with Christmas. The girls' list included things like "angels" and "sausage balls," and "elephant," since they couldn't come up with a Christmas word for E.

What's something fun your family has been up to so far this season?

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I never knew the Christmas season was actually from Dec. 5 to Jan. 5 (or is it 6?) until I was in college. Most people in my circle of friends/family know nothing about this. Knowing this has really helped with the post-Christmas blues I used to experience beginning December 26!
It looks like you guys have a great Advent going on! I noticed the PJ light drive on your checklist. It made me smile.
We got your Christmas card last week and Elliot has been obsessed with it. Apparently he thinks Kate looks a lot like Katelyn. He points at Kate's picture and says "sissy, sissy, sissy" as he carries it around the house.
I expected our cards to come in last week, but Jer says that most deliveries are backed up around here from the Icepocalypse we had a week ago. Hopefully, I'll be able to get them out soon!


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