Monday, October 15, 2012

Chianti and Crafts

I'm bummed that my favorite month is already half over. Fall just got here and I feel like it's flying by already! Yesterday was Matt's and my sixth anniversary. We celebrated Saturday night with a nice dinner out at a fancy Italian restaurant—caprese, bread, bottle of Chianti, pasta, dessert, cappuccino . . . multiply that by ten days and it will be obvious why we gained about 15 pounds on our Italian honeymoon!

We spent dinner doing what we usually do on dates—me asking random "get to know you" type questions and Matt playing along. A few I came up with the other night:

If you took a round-the-world trip with five stops, what five places would you visit?
If you could magically endow our children with one character trait, what would it be?
If you could magically solve one of the world's problems, which would it be?

Yesterday, during our precious few hours at home between morning church and evening church, Kate and I did two fun fall projects, both of which I'd pinned a while ago on my Fabulous Fall board.

We made pumpkin hats by painting paper bowls and gluing on a wine cork stem (see, we drank that Chianti for the kids ;), paper leaf and raffia ribbon. Kate wanted to paint hers green, rather than orange, but when it came time to model them, she wanted the orange one.

 Claire seems to enjoy putting on and taking off either of them.

We also made Candy Corn Cookies, which were really fun to make. Kate was constantly asking when she could lick the beaters, but once the dough was done and that was out of the way, she enjoyed pressing each layer down into the pan.

I should have used a smaller, deeper pan so the cookies would be bigger, but they are really cute, little bite-sized cookies.

The weekend was over far too quickly, but we had a lot of fun. Hope you did too!


Lisa MH said...

Love love love these crafts! Great ideas! :)

Kristen said...

Happy Anniversary! And I love the dedication to parenting - drinking wine and everything! ;)

Rachel Moss said...

Any other tips on the candy corn cookies? I'm planning to make them for Katelyn's dance class and daycare class next week.


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