Thursday, March 08, 2012


Kate just adores her sister, and Claire is showing more interest in her as time goes by. 

Kate loves for them to "match" as much as possible, so here they are both wearing pink tights with brown and pink patterned dresses.

Kate is learning opposites in school right now, so when Claire sat in her Bumbo, Kate pulled the stool over to demonstrate high and low, big and little.

And Kate always has to get in on the month-day photo action, when we photograph Claire with her Sticky-Belly sticker and Sister Bear. (Check out the socks on Claire's hands to prevent the scratching of her head.)

Tummy time for my girls. I love how it looks like they are conversing. I can't wait to see their relationship grow.


Lisa MH said...

I love that Kate and Claire's PARENTS have fostered this great relationship between the girls. It makes me wish I had a sister (or any sibling!) even more. They are adorable together and I'm jealous of the "matchy matchy"--I want to have children just so I can make them match ME. LOL...but not really because it's true.

Unknown said...

Hi I found you on Kelly's link up. I am from TENN also. We now live in CA.
Your girls are soooo cute. Thanks for sharing. Blessings sent your way!

Alyssa said...

Hi Jessica! Found you on Kelly's Korner. I also live in Nashville. Look forward to following your blog and learning more about you!

Laura said...

What an adorable family!
Also over from Kelly's. Great to meet you. :)


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