Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Works for Me Wednesday: Grocery List Tip

I'm going to take a break from Wordless Wednesday this week (last week was a doozy, if you missed it) and participate instead in Works for Me Wednesday, hosted by We Are THAT Family, blog of writer Kristen Welch. I've been wanting to share this tip for a while anyway. It is such a simple idea that makes trips to the grocery or Target easier by enabling you to cross things off your list once you've gotten them--without needing to fumble with a pen or pencil.

Step 1: write out your shopping list as you normally would (though using lined paper helps). Step 2: Use scissors to snip the edges of the paper along each line approximately a half inch in, creating little tabs along the edge of the paper, corresponding to each item on your list. Step 3: As you shop, fold the tab next to each item over as you add it to your cart. You can easily identify what you've gotten and what you still need to get!
Maybe your memory is so good you never get to the checkout lane only to realize you've forgotten something. Or maybe you have no trouble keeping track of a writing implement as you sail through the aisles. But especially when you're pushing a full cart, with kids in tow, trying to see what coupons you have, picking up sippys that have been tossed to the ground, trying to keep the baby from grabbing and eating the shopping list... as Forrest Gump says, "it's one less thing."


Young Wife said...

That is so simple and easy! Thanks for sharing.

jeanne said...

What an easy job of folding down the item for an older child!

SpeasHill said...

Brilliant!! I could have used this tip yesterday. After 2 appointments, neither Becca nor I were keen on grocery shopping, but we were out of milk. It was not a pleasant experience! Here's a heads-up for you: apparently the "terrible twos" start at 18 months!

Kristen said...

I love this idea! I never have a pen :D

Mom2fur said...

I love this idea! I can't tell you how many times I have to backtrack at the grocery, even with a list. (I never remember to bring along a pen.)
Thanks--this might be one of the best tips ever!

Ruthie said...

GREAT idea! Thanks for sharing!


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