This week, with Halloween past and Thanksgiving still a few weeks away, the major holiday was my cousin Lindsay's wedding in New Orleans! But before we get to that, let's scootch back to #40 of the
100 Days of Holidays!
40) Monday 11/2: Unable to wait to see Nala and Popi on Thursday, Kate wanted to Skype with her maternal grandparents. So, she demonstrated her cart-pushing abilities via webcam. Score one for the 21st century.

41) Tuesday 11/3: Kate's new "big girl" car seat arrived today! Her infant carrier was getting pretty heavy with her in it, so it was about time to get a convertible car seat (no, not a car seat that goes in convertibles, but a seat that rides rear-facing for another year or so and then front-facing until she's 65 pounds). We chose The First Years TrueFit, which now stays in Mommy's car, and her infant seat will just stay in Daddy's car until we sell a few more internal organs to buy another convertible seat around Christmastime.

(she's proud!)
42) Wednesday 11/4: Kate had her 9-month checkup (a week late). She weighs 18 lbs., 10 oz., and is 27 inches long (both quite average). Her head is still around the 90th percentile, though, making room for her big brain. She is developing perfectly, but the doctor did find an ear infection, so Kate we now have the challenge of sneaking an antibiotic into her food for ten days!

43) Thursday 11/5: It was Daddy-Daughter Day, which is always fun. Kate found the ceiling fan especially fascinating.

44) Friday 11/6: Matt and I drove to New Orleans with my parents. What a great town! I hadn't been in five years (since before Katrina) and Matt hadn't been in ten! The rehearsal dinner was that night, and I wore a new green dress that I absolutely love, but alas, we forgot our camera and Mom didn't take any pics of us :0(

45) Saturday 11/7: Lindsay's wedding day!! We bridesmaids hung around the hotel suite most of the day, snacking and reading trashy magazines as each girl got her hair and/or makeup done. Lindsay looked beautiful, and the big event that night was terrific, held in the New Orleans Museum of Art and accentuated with New Orleans traditions.
46) Sunday 11/8: A "morning after" brunch was held at the Palace Cafe, and we enjoyed visiting with the happy couple, family, and friends a little more. I love this shot of my parents, letting their hair down over a breakfast of mimosas and eggs benedict.
Coming this week: not much, though I hope Kate gets over her ear infection soon. She's a bit cranky, and I'll assume it's the infection and not the fact that she was spoiled by her other grandparents, who kept her while we were gone to NOLA! (Thanks, Granna and Opa!)
crap- i have to get ANOTHER car seat??? ugggghhhhhh.
Oh how I LOVE New Orleans. I've been to a wedding there - so perfect! (Well, except it was July and like, 1000 degrees.)
maybe you should sell a few eggs, then we could get another car seat! they'd fetch a good price, and clearly you produce perfect children!
Adorable!Missed u at the Nashville Women Bloggers Lunch. We've got a Facebook page now and have sketched out, at least, quarterly meetings all at very different times to accomodate all. (And: My book is out!)
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