All this scurrying is part of the process of producing books that I hope/believe will make a difference for pastors, churches, and people of faith. I don't heal the sick or feed the poor in my day-to-day work, but hopefully my work can play a small part in empowering Christian communities to be a real force for positive change in a hurting world.
My confidence in that goal got a boost during my trip last week up to Ginghamsburg Church, near Dayton, Ohio. We were there for Change the World, Ginghamsburg's fourth annual conference on the missional church. This is always my favorite trip of the year, getting back to the core of what Jesus called the church to be. Past speakers have included Jim Wallis, Brian McLaren, and Adam Hamilton. This year featured Ron Sider, Ruby Payne, and Trevor Hudson, in addition to Ginghamsburg's Pastor Mike Slaughter, who always speaks at the event.
I really loved hearing from Ruby Payne, renowned expert on poverty. She looks at the cultural values and "hidden rules" inherent to the poverty, middle-class, and wealthy classes. It's quite fascinating, and a bunch of teachers and social workers from around Ohio paid to come just to her sessions of the conference. It made me think about
Mike was inspiring, as always, reminding us of the church's imperative to be missional rather than attractional, to make disciples rather than tally decisions, and to value people over buildings. His keynote was a great teaser for his upcoming book Change the World: Recovering the Message and Mission of Jesus, Mike's ninth or tenth book, and his third that I have edited. Aimed at pastors, leadership teams, and others active in church missions, the book explains changes in strategy, budget, programming, and organization that churches can make in order to make mission to the "least, last, and lost" the church's top priority.
Change the World is essentially "Mike on paper," articulating the true heart of his ministry. Mike actually said he could go on his next trip to Sudan in a few weeks with no regret or fear because he had written the book he was born to write. That was understandably disconcerting to his wife, but if that isn't reason to read this book, I don't know what is!
Ruby Payne's A Framework for Understanding Poverty was very helpuful to me when I was still in the classroom. I hadn't thought about how her knowledge could help church leaders/members, though. I'll have to start incorporating what her book taught me into my relationships at church.
We've also learned a lot from Ruby Payne's poverty work. In fact, my husband thinks it is so on-target that he measured its effectiveness as part of his doctoral dissertation.
Wow, I accidently found your blog through a google image search related to "clergy". I'm so glad I discovered your blog and especially this post. I am about to run over to amazon to order this book. I have a heart and passion for the poor in our community.
"Churches are to be missional not attractional"....oh man, that's good! I love it and it's where our hearts are. I struggle with seeing how hard it is for the poor to come into a group of middle to upper class people. My heart and passion is to see the two mix and become comfortable with each other. I look forward to reading this book soon. Thanks!
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