Welcome to the fifth installment of
100 Days of Holidays!26) Monday 10/19: It is finally getting to be jacket weather, so Kate donned her polka-dot fleece jacket as we headed off to "school" today.

27) Tuesday 10/20: Kate and Daddy love roughhousing on the floor. Matt is such a good daddy, and my confidence in his childcare skills made it much easier to head off on my business trip this week.

28) Wednesday 10/21: Matt sent me this picture message of Kate eating her finger foods. Neurotic as I am, I responded "Is Kate wearing pink pants with her green shirt?" No doubt rolling his eyes, Matt texted back "I knew you would notice that." She did start the day in the polka dot leggings that go with that top, but apparently there was "an accident."

29) Thursday 10/22: Granna came up to spend the day with Kate while Daddy went to a leadership event of some sort. Shame that event wasn't
Change the World, where I was!

29) Friday 10/23: Mommy's back! Hooray! This trip to Ohio was the longest I'd been away from Kate, and it was hard, but luckily it's a good conference and a good author relationship, so I enjoyed the trip. We had bathtime soon after my homecoming, and then all three of us played in Kate's room before bed.

30) Saturday 10/24: Today was such a full day, I'm going to go a little wild and crazy and post two pics for it. First, we spent most of the day down in Nashville, where our friend Maria did some family and 9-month photos for us. They are gorgeous! If you're on Facebook, you may have seen a sneak peek, but there are more to come on Wordless Wednesday!

In the evening was the church Fall Festival, significant (for me) primarily because it was the first time Kate wore her Halloween costume! What a cute little monkey!

31) Sunday 10/25: Here we are as Kate and I slipped into the back pew at church (Daddy came over to say hi). I used to sit up front, but after getting frustrated with having to take Kate out numerous times during worship (
see my rant here), I started sitting in back where I can let her crawl and cruise around some, and make an inconspicuous exit if necessary. It's working out much better, though last week was still exhausting. This week, I didn't break out the puffs until sermon time, and an older gentleman asked to hold her right around the prayer time, so I actually got to pray! (It's hard to pray while wrestling an alligator and keeping one eye open to make sure it doesn't crawl right up the aisle or out the door!)

This week--Kate's nine month Marcel pic, and more Halloween fun!
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