Friday, June 05, 2009

Show Us Where You Live--Office Edition

Last week, I participated in the Kelly’s Korner “Show Us Where You Live Friday” virtual house tour by linking to my post about Kate’s nursery back in January. This week is home offices, but I don’t really want to share our home office. It features two desks (one a lovely antique and one a generic formica/pressboard thing), more books than we have shelf space, and a litter box. So, not very picturesque, in other words.

My office office, however, is a pretty nice place to be (aside from the fact that Kate’s not here—boo). And I know the blog tour is supposed to be “where you live,” but hey—I’m a working mother, and during weekdays I spend more waking hours in my office than in my home. So there. I’m a serious homebody (about as introverted as they come, in the technical definition of the word), so if there’s any place I have to spend time outside my home, it better be a pretty decent home away from home, which is why I try to make my office as nice as possible, with framed pictures, a nice plant, pretty notepads, etc.
Here’s the view I see most of my day—computer screen, long to-do list (the orange pad), coffee mug, peace lily from my grandfather's funeral three years ago this week, and lots of pictures of Kate close at hand. On the part of the desk that wraps behind me (i.e. the messy part of my office), I’ve got another computer (not in use right now), a huge box of goldfish, file folders, and a hot water pot for making tea, oatmeal, etc.

A few items in particular that make me happy—monogram letters, dried roses, and a poster from a special week of religion lectures at Furman in October 2001: Beyond Tolerance week, discussing religious diversity and honoring victims of terrorism one month after 9/11.
I am so grateful to have windows, since my first office here was in a part of the building with no natural light at all--it was depressing, especially in the winter, when it was pretty much dark when I arrived and dark when I left. So, this is heaven, with my view of Nashville's "batman building," Sommet Center sports arena, and the Country Music Hall of Fame.

So that's that. If you're a working mom (or anyone, for that matter) visiting this blog for the first time via Kelly's Korner, please come back. Most of my posts consist of cute baby pics, thoughts on motherhood and life, and (being that I am a pastor's wife and a religious book editor) reflections on religion and culture in modern America.
Now, back to work!

1 comment:

Teresa @ Grammy Girlfriend said...

Love your office and have enjoyed reading your blog.
I love all the new blogs
I have found.

Quite a unique group.
I love making new blogging friends..

I have several Disney posts already on my blog and have several more to post. Hope you will stop by for a visit.


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