1. The way he makes me laugh when I'm down or upset... or any time, really.
2. His silly voices--Cookie Monster and Satan, especially.
3. What a great dad he's going to be.
4. What a great husband he already is.
5. The way his eyes look green or blue, depending on what he's wearing.
6. How he holds my hand or puts his hand on my knee while driving.
7. His big brain.
8. How good he looks in sweaters-over-shirts-with-sleeves-rolled-up (my favorite style on a man--see Exhibit A, above).
9. What a great preacher he is.
10. The way he helps others to think about and grow in relationship with God.
11. The way he cares about the people and issues Jesus cared about.
12. His patient and forgiving nature.
13. How attentive he is to my needs and wants (especially since I've been pregnant).
14. That he gave me this sweet baby that's kickboxing my belly button.
15. His ability to see the best in people and things.
16. His cooking.
17. The way his upper lip twitches involuntarily (mainly during allergy season, I think, but it's really cute).
18. When he throws his head back in laughter.
19. When he laughs at my jokes (even though I'm not so funny as him).
20. How sweet and affectionate he is with me, our cat, and our baby.
21. How low-maintenance and spontaneous he is.
22. His intentionality in sparking theological conversations (especially when my brain is constantly tuned to the baby channel)
23. His cute little tooshie.
24. The way he'll narrow his eyes at me in mock-irritation for mentioning his tooshie.
25. His love of travel, reading, and deep conversation.
26. That he watches Friends all the time with me, quoting lines and even doing the claps in the theme song.
27. How much fun we have together.
28. How he'll only get better with age.
I love you so much, sweetie. Have a wonderful birthday!
I narrowed my eyes when I read the tooshie comment. You know me too well.
Thanks so much for making my life so special. I love you!!!
awww y'all are so cute!!!!!
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