Monday, November 04, 2013

Garden Family

As I said in my Halloween preview, it was a rainy Halloween, so we didn't trick-or-treat until Friday the first. The girls had worn their costumes a few times, but Matt and I didn't add our elements until trick-or-treating time.

We were a "garden family," since my girls were bugs, and our foster baby was a sweet pea. So, Daddy became the gardener (a more rednecky one than I intended, but he can't resist wearing his nasty bubba teeth on Halloween!) and I was the flower bed!

I found Claire's ladybug costume at a consignment sale for just a few dollars, and found the antennae headband in Gymboree's clearance bin for 75 cents (actually, there was a big sale going on, so I think it rang up for just 49 cents or so!)The soft antennae pieces didn't stand up well, so I wrapped a black pipe cleaner around it to make it stand up.

Kate's costume was more piecemeal, with gorgeous monarch butterfly wings I found on Amazon, a black leotard and tights from a consignment sale, antennae crafted from a headband and pipe cleaners, and a tutu I made with black tulle and ribbons to coordinate with her wings.

I know you're dying to see BGC as the sweet pea, too...
I found her costume at a consignment sale too, right after she came to us, and had a hunch she would still be with us for Halloween! I've always loved that costume, but my girls were both walking by the time of their first Halloweens!

We have a tradition of crafting treat bags each year to coordinate with their costumes, usually out of a paper gift bag that we can just throw away afterwards. I had these little canvas bags from somewhere, so we painted them to coordinate.

We walked around with our neighbors--who, fittingly, were a family of garden gnomes!--and the little girls walked hand-in-hand down the street. It was so cute!

Hope you had a happy Halloween too! After trick-or-treating on her actual birthday, Claire's harvest-themed party was Saturday. I'll share pics soon!


Craftcherry said...

I love reading that so many actually postponed Halloween until the next day. I really don't think that would have happened in our neighborhood and I don't know what we would have done.
LOVE the Garden Family idea. SO cute! That's fantastic that you guys ran into a family of gnomes. So perfect.

Unknown said...

Going off the comment above, our neighborhood would for sure not have postponed trick or treating. We aren't nearly so organized!
Kate is looking so grown up! She is just gorgeous.

Krystal Morrison said...

To spite the unbelievable advantages of all our time saving devices and programs, we discover that we tend to square measure busier than ever, and to spite long hours of targeted work, we tend to feel that we tend to square measure causative very little that's of intrinsic price.


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