Sunday, August 19, 2012

Timidly Trendy

Does anyone else feel like Pinterest gives irresistible, pregnancy-like nesting urges to totally non-pregnant women?

That's how I've been feeling lately. For the first few months I was on Pinterest, I just dabbled with it and didn't bother with it too much, beyond party-planning ideas for Kate's birthday back in January. Lately, I've gotten more into it, though, pinning gift ideas as we head toward Christmas, making a few boards for work and contests, and most recently, adding to my "house" board, with ideas for things I'd love to do with our home—in particular, a shelving unit for our mud room and an accent wall in the guest room or somewhere else. (Redoing our kitchen is my big wanna-do, but that is a much bigger investment than these other ideas!)

Anyway, I've been in a nesty mood lately, and I've been intrigued by this whole chevron trend. Have you noticed this? Chevron patterns are everywhere right now, it seems—in home decor, clothing, even some gorgeous scrapbook albums I saw the other day. I've never been big on following trends. I wait to see if they "last" before jumping on board. And something so bold as this chevron thing is sure to fizzle out quickly. But it's pretty cool looking, and while I wouldn't try it for an accent wall inside my house, I thought I'd give it a go for spicing up our garage a bit!

Yes, our garage. A utilitarian space that barely seems deserving of a makeover, and yet, for that very reason, seemed to be a fitting canvas for some trendy-patterned-accent-wall fun. So this has been my project for the last few days, in what spare time I can muster. (I'm not above putting a baby gate at the back door so my kids can play in the mud room while I climb a ladder in flip flops just outside.)

It's not even a whole wall, obviously, just the area right around the door, but adds some interest that I can enjoy every day as I pull into the garage after a long day at work.

What sort of crafty things or home improvements have you been making lately?


EMU said...

Looks cool! I'm impressed you have the time to do all these fun things; you must have more stamina than me! :)

I confess I'm not a Pinterest fan. Mainly because I think it takes creativity AWAY from me and lets me just steal ideas from others. When we were house shopping and looked at 17 houses in 2 days, I could tell instantly which houses belonged to a Pinner -- they all looked the SAME decor wise and had the SAME cutsy crafts in them that I'd seen countless times on Pinterest. That really turned me off and I haven't been on Pinterest since. As a result my house and crafts probably aren't as cute and fun, but oh well. I can live with that! :)

Jessica Miller Kelley said...

Stamina's a tough one. I have to force myself to stay up late or get up early to get anything done "for me." This project was mostly done in the post-bedtime hours, except for the couple hours yesterday afternoon when I put the baby gate up! (We're practically the only house in the neighborhood that keeps its cars IN the garage, and it was driving me nuts to be parking outside for several days, so I was eager to finish up!)

Kristen said...

How fun! What a great idea (trying a new trend in the garage, I mean)!

Kim said...

you are a brave woman! I've been wanting to do stripes in our living room for a long time and cannot muster up the courage to do the measuring, taping, etc. but this looks so awesome that you just might have me convinced that I can do it!

Lisa H said...

Good idea to try something that you may not like in the garage first. Plus, I'm a fan of decorating areas that you wouldn't think to decorate so that you have a special surprise in them.

Meredith @ The Laundry Can Wait said...

Well, THAT certainly turned out well!! I have noticed this trend, but you're the winner because you thought to paint it on your garage.

By the way, I found you through a comment you left on Kelly's Korner. I liked the name of your blog (you're the clever type, aren't you? Excuse my jealousy.:)) I invite you to visit my blog at - A Penny For A Thought - named after my children's book.

Glad I found your blog. God Bless, Meredith


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