I'm not generally one of those people who hates Mondays. Sometimes, if the weekend has just seemed to fly by, or for whatever reason I felt I haven't had enough Kate-time, then I'm sad for a new work-week to start. But usually, I'm fine getting back into my routine of taking Kate to day care (she loves it, and often lets out a big giggle as we walk through the door), driving almost an hour (usually okay, especially if I have coffee), and settling into my office. Tasks 1 and 2 are always refilling my coffee cup and going through new e-mails.
I try to surround myself with "happies" so that work is an enjoyable place to be...
Coffee is central (is it wierd that this is the third time I've mentioned this?) and a nice coffee cake someone has set out to share is always nice, especially if I've forgotten to toss a yogurt in my bag.
I enjoy my plants--a peace lily on the windowsill, and (behind the picture frames below) the amazing self-resurrecting plant. Our neighbor gave it to us 2 1/2 years ago when we moved in, and despite frequent reprimands and squirts with a spray bottle, Charlotte has chewed on it daily since then. I finally decided to rescue the poor, half-dead, gnawed-up thing by bringing it to my office, but then I abandoned it for nearly two weeks around Christmas, and it appeared to die completely--no leaves, just straw-like brown shoots sticking up. I inserted the "Plant Nanny" bulb that I got for Christmas, but the plant just seemed too far gone.
I planned to pitch it, but while I procrastinated about buying a replacement, it slowly started to resurrect. First a solitary leaf, then three, then five, and now seven!
And speaking of cute little creatures... Stitch! He makes me smile.
What are your Mondays like?
I have a little corner of happiness on my desk I like to call it. I have several of my favorite photos displayed using one of those metal desk "fan" type things (for lack of technical name!) I also have some favorite cards and things that make me smile hanging on my bulletin board and a fun photo mousepad and ALWAYS a photo that makes me smile as my desktop.
Yeah I don't like Mondays either. ;)
My Mondays are like every other day! :) 3 small mammals to care for, 2 therapies, and some snuggle time with the cutest of the mammals. I also love my job. If only it came with health benefits...
I also have toys in my working space since my kid put a /playground on it=)
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