Wednesday, February 11, 2009

A Day in the Life

Hi there! I'm Kate Kelley, and I'm two weeks old. Mommy has all these cute pictures of me that she wants to share, so she asked me to provide a little narration and tell you about how I spend my time. So, here goes...

I live with my mommy and daddy, who are taking pretty good care of me. They're first-timers, so we have occasional mishaps, like this time they didn't fix my diaper tight enough, and gave me a plumber's crack. How embarrassing! I'm glad Hayes and Gus (little boys we know that were born the same week as me) didn't see that!

Daddy is silly and we have fun together. He does funny voices, and once I learn to laugh, I'll be doing that a lot with him. There's also this little furry creature wandering the house. She doesn't pay much attention to me, but occasionally comes up to sniff me.
My hobbies include sucking my hands...
... hanging out in my pack & play......boosting my brain power by staring at these high-contrast designs Mommy made for me...

... and having tummy time, where I practice the really tough skills like holding my own head up!
Thanks for stopping by the blog! Check in again soon for more adorable pictures of moi!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Ugh. Not the most flattering picture of Daddy, Kate. But I'll forgive you because you're so darn cute!


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