Wednesday, March 14, 2007

Quarter-Life Crises and New-Life Celebrations

Sometime in the two weeks since I wrote that last post, about staying hopeful and peaceful despite the job issue and other instabilities that plague young adults facing their quarter-life crisis (it's a legitimate term--I did a paper on it in pastoral care), the stress hit. I didn't really notice until Monday night's meltdown how much the stress of these issues is affecting me/us.

We are nearing resolution, however, in that Matt finds out tomorrow if he is officially commissioned, and every day we are one day closer to knowing where he/we will be next year! As to my job, there are only 2 weeks and 2 days until my job ends, so I'm praying something good comes my way soon. I did get one job offer yesterday, but I don't think I want to accept it, and unfortunately I don't get two weeks to see how desperate I really am--I have to tell them by Friday! A few positions I am more interested in are still in the early stages (i.e. still accepting applications and not doing interviews yet) and hopefully they'll move to the interviewing stage soon.

I hope by the next time I post to have some good news for you, but in the meantime, I'll share the beautiful blessing of new life that emerged about a week ago: John Stephen Patterson, "Jack," was born March 6 to my long-time family friend Lindsay. We are so excited for the Pattersons, and wish all the best for this new family.

Isn't he a cutie?

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